成井俊美 (なるい としみ) Toshimi Narui
昭和28年福岡県生まれ。 Toshimi Narui was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1953.
Graduated from Takushoku University, Faculty of Political Science and Economics. After working for a publishing company, became an independent plastic artist.
1994年 「ムービングクラフト展」 と題した創作おもちゃの個展を開催し好評を博す。
In 1994, he held a solo exhibition of creative toys titled "Moving Craft Exhibition", which was well received.
He is the daughter-in-law of Michiko Miyagi.
2000年8月NHK沖縄放送局との共催による 「宮城巳知子/生と死の狭間で展」 にて総合プロデュースを担当。
In August 2000, he was in charge of overall production for the exhibition "Michiko Miyagi: Between Life and Death" co-sponsored by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and Okinawa Broadcasting Station.
Her attempt to recreate the Battle of Okinawa using computer graphics was well received.
He is currently working on a book for a magazine and also teaches toy-making techniques.
著書 「輪ゴムで動く』『重さで動く」 (草土文化社) 他。
Books: "Rubber Band Moves," "Weight Moves" (Sodo Bunka-sha), etc.
雑誌/教育技術 (小学館)、 おはよう奥さん(学研)、 3年生の自由工作 (誠美堂出版) などに執筆。
Writes for magazines such as Kyoiku Gijutsu (Shogakukan), Good Morning Okusan (Gakken), and 3rd Grade Free Crafts (Seibido Shuppan).